Smithycroft Secondary School

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Parent Council

Current Council Members

Neil Young (Chair)

Lorraine McConway (Vice Chair)

Mark McClintock (Treasurer)


James How (Staff)


Membership of the Council

The constitution of the council allows for up to 15 members.  This means that, taking the 5 additional parent members and the 4 co-opted members into account, there could be another 2 members.


Parent's Forum

All parents and other adults who have a declared interest in young people attending Smithycroft Secondary have the right to be members of the Parents' Forum. This means that they can attend to observe the business meeting of the council. They can also attend meetings of the forum. These meetings will be about three times a session. They are intended to inform parents about things that are happening in the school and to encourage them to get involved both in their children's education and the life of the school.


Meeting of the Parent Council

There will be 6 meetings of the council this session.  Their purpose is to deal with any business matters relating to the council and be kept up to date with any matters relating to the school and any developments in education that affect it.