Digital Learning
Digital Learning at Smithycroft
Why is Glasgow developing digital learning?
We recognise that in order to prepare pupils for the digital world in which they live we need to ensure they have the skills to create and retrieve information but most importantly ensure they have an understanding of how to keep themselves safe and empathise with others online.
- The number of digital businesses in Scotland increased almost twice as fast as across the UK as a whole.
- 90% of jobs across the UK today already require the skills to use digital technologies confidently.
- Today, 84,400 people work in digital jobs in Scotland.
- The digital sector alone contributes £4.5 billion to Scotland’s economy.
Digital Leaders of Learning
The success of our Digital Learning Strategy is dependant on teachers and pupils having the correct skill. We recognise that the most effective way to do this is for teachers and pupils learning from each other. All schools have a nominated DLOL to lead on digital developments in school. Most schools, including ours, also have pupils who are teaching other pupils and teaching teachers
New iPads
Our classrooms are being transformed with new technology, and the infrastructure has improved. Apple TVs are replacing interactive white boards for interaction between teachers and pupils. All pupils and staff will be issued with an iPad.
Before receiving their iPad all pupils and parents must sign an agreement - these brief bullet points give you an example of what will be on the agreement form.
I agree to
- Look after my iPad carefully at all times
- Charge up my iPad every night and bring both the iPad and the supplied charger into school.
- Always store my iPad in its supplied case.
- Only take my iPad out in class or in my home - never in the playground, when walking between classes or when travelling to and from school
- Only use my iPad to record audio or video clips with the clear and explicit permission of everyone involved in the recording
- Never access inappropriate content on my iPad
- Never remove any asset tags or security markings from my iPad
- Do not allow the iPad to be subject to graffiti
Parental responsibility includes
- Immediately report any damage, loss or theft Ensure that my child cares for and respects their iPad
- Immediately report any loss or theft which happens out of school to the police
- Ensure that the iPad is returned to the school if your child leaves the school, or at any other time upon the request of a member of staff
- Monitor my child’s use of the iPad on the Internet at home, to ensure that only appropriate websites are accessed - the same filtering will apply as in school
Cost of charging
According to the Charger Tariff Calculator, it costs the average smartphone user only 0.3p to charge their device, resulting in less than half a pence per charge.
That means if you keep your smartphone's battery charged up every day of the week, it will cost you a total of £1.09 for the full year
Charging a tablet/iPad costs 0.5p each time and a laptop 1.95p each time it goes from 0 -100%.
That would mean you would need to fully charge your iPad from 0-100% 260 times before you bought a 2 litre carton of milk