Resources to Support EAL Learners at Home
Free web Sites:
Bilingual Resources:
A variety of books in different languages
A range of games in a variety of languages
A variety of songs from around the world
Stories translated into 31 different languages
YouTube Activities for Talking Reading Listening and Writing:
Rass Language Videos (consonant digraphs)
Scottish Book Bug Trust (nursery rhymes)
CBeebies Mr Tumble’s Nursery Rhymes Playlist
Jack Hartmann songs for literacy/mathematics
Alpha Blocks (sound blends videos)
Digital Stories watch current authors read stories with props and children
Scottish Book Trust Writing Competitions
Activities To do Around The House
- Reading to your children in first language from books or online sources.
- Singing nursery rhymes in first language and in English.
- Kim’s game-hiding common objects or pictures from around the home
- Find me games - looking for objects starting with certain sounds.
- Using a phone, create a video diary of your day and send a letter to someone about your main events.
- Find letters or common words from newspapers/magazines.
- Take notes from the news report online or from the tv and discuss with other family members.
- Take a note of any new words from the news reports, look up their definitions and add to your new vocabulary list.
- Make words and sentences by cutting up from newspapers and magazines and stick down onto paper or rearrange onto the floor.
- Write a fictional/non fictional piece of writing using the cut up word or words
- Chalk writing- writing on paper or outside if you have space to do so.
- Corner elimination game - letters or pictures onto paper and stick to four walls. Ask children to run to the corner with the picture that starts with the letter ‘c’ or say the word and ask children to go to the corner with the letter of what they think that word starts with
- Kitchen cupboard game find me all the things that start with ‘a’ and so on.
- Can you make your own news report of what is happening in the world news? Children can write or make a short video/cartoon strip/diagram/chart to reinterpret information.
- Word searches.
- Word wheels draw a small circle and then a bigger one,split the circle into 8 parts and place random letters into the spaces then a vowel in the centre. The central letter must be used each time in making lots of 3, 4 and more words.
- Keeping a journal/diary of events at home.
- Sandpit spelling words in the sand or using shaving foam.
- Bath time fun – writing words or sentences in steamed up walls/windows
- Bake letters
- Spaghetti letters – adult cooks spaghetti and once cooled children can make letters and words with the pasta and stick down if you have glue.
- Play dough letters and words.
- Write to a member of the family elsewhere or a friend from school to share your news from home.
- Torch or lamp game – dark room and shine a torch or lamp onto a wall. Show objects next to the light source and the children can guess what the shadows of the common objects are and name them.
- If you have a scrabble game, use the letters to practice spelling words or make up a word and the child can write a sentence around it. You can also experiment with vowels and consonants.
- Guess who game is great for describing parts of the body/hair colours. This reinforces social and survival language.
- Games like - the minister’s cat(can be looked up online).Go through all the letters of the alphabet to describe the cat. Great for adjectives.
- Have a story written about anything you want- what interests you? Speak to someone online and share your exciting story.
- Take a camera or ipad outside and make a short film about the outdoor space or from a window. What’s happening outside? Think about- is it quiet, why? Why is it busy? Where are people going? Write a story or a video discussing your thoughts about what you see. This can be done in first or second language.
- Focus on the wildlife outside your window. What birds or animals can you see? Take a note each day for a week what is happening. You can draw a chart with the information you see each day. Share this with everyone else in your home.