Smithycroft Secondary School

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School Calendar
Smithycroft Secondary - Key Dates : August 2023 - June 2024
August Wed 16th Pupils Return February Tues 20th S1 & S3 Tracking Report 2
  Tues 22nd - Thurs 24th S1 Outward Bound   Thurs 22nd S4 Parents' Evening
September Mon 4th Parent Council @ 6pm   Mon 26th Parent Forum Zoom
  Mon 18th S1 Welcome Disco March Fri 1st S4/S5 Pathway interviews 
  Thurs 21st Non-Uniform Day   Thurs 7th - Sun 9th Study Camp
  Fri 22nd & Mon 25th Holiday   Mon 11th Teenage Booster
October Mon 2nd S4/S5/S6 Tracking Report 1   Thurs 14th S3 Parents' Evening
  Mon 2nd Parent Council Zoom   Mon 18th Parent Council @ 6pm
  Thurs 5th Harvest Assembly   Wed 20th Celebrating Success
  Wed 11th & Thurs 12th Flu Immunisation   Wed 27th Spring Concert
  Wed 11th Primary Open Evening   Wed 27th S54/S5/S6 Tracking Report 4
  Thurs 12th S1/S2/S3 Tracking Report 1   Thurs 28th Easter Assembly
  Thurs 12th S4 Study Skills Evening   Thurs 28th Pink Day for Mental Health
  Fri 13th In-Service Day   Thurs 28th School closes @ 2.30pm
  Mon 16th - Fri 20th October Holiday   Fri 29th Good Friday
  Mon 23rd Pupils Return April Mon 1st - Fri 12th Holiday
  Mon 23rd Parent Council - AGM @ 6pm   Mon 15th Pupils Return
  Thurs 26th S1 Parents' Evening   Fri 19th SQA Exam Leave Begins
November Wed 8th S5/S6 Study Skills Evening   Fri 19th S6 Leaver's Event
  Fri 10th Remembrance Assembly May Fri 3rd In-Service Day
  Thurs 16th - Sat 18th Study Camp   Mon 6th May Day
  Mon 20th Parent Council @ 6pm   Thurs 9th S2 Tracking Report 3
December Mon 4th S4/S5/S6 Tracking Report 2   Thurs 9th Christian Aid Assembly
  Mon 11th Parent Forum Zoom   Mon 13th - Fri 17th Mental Health Week
  Wed 13th Christmas Concert   Mon 13th Parent Council @ 6pm
  Mon 18th Christmas Assembly   Thrs 16th S1 Tracking Report 3
  Tues 19th School Panto   Tues 21st Primary Induction
  Thurs 21st S5/S6 Snow Ball   Wed 22nd Primary Induction
  Fri 22nd Non-Uniform Day   Thurs 23rd S3 Tracking Report 3
  Fri 22nd School closes @ 2.30pm   Fri 24th & Mon 27th May Weekend
January Mon 8th Pupils Return   Tues 28th New Timetable begins
  Mon 15th Prelims begin   Thurs 30th New S5 Induction
  Mon 15th Parent Council @ 6pm   Fri 31st New S6 Induction
  Tues 16th & Wed 17th Primary Transition Days June Mon 3rd New S6/S6 Return
  Wed 17th S2 Tracking Report 2   Mon 10th  Parent Forum  
  Thurs 25th S2 Parents' Evening    Wed 12th School Show
  Fri 26th Prelims end   Thurs 13th School Show
  Mon 29th HPV Immunisation   Mon 17th Sports Day
February Thurs 8th S4/S5/S6 Tracking Report 3   Tues 18th Awards Ceremony @ 7pm
  Mon 12th & Tues 13th February Holiday   Thurs 19th Senior Prom
  Wed 14th In-Service Day   Fri 26th Non-uniform Day
  Thurs 15th S5/S6 Parents' Evening   Fri 26th School closes @ 1.00pm
  Fri 16th Valentine Assembly      
* Please note all dates were correct at time of going to print, but circumstances may mean they need to change.  We will endeavour to keep you updated at all times.