Here you will find opportunities ranging from skill based training to wider achievment. Click any relevant link to find out more!
Please click the button below to send us the following details of any interested students
- Student full name
- Student email (so that we can share sign up link)
- Which of the above criteria (1, 2 or 3) does this student meet?
What happens next?
- Eligible students will be sent a link to an online learning platform where they can find out more about the programme and independently complete their application by Friday 3rd April.
- The application form is a short online form, which captures basic personal information and asks a simple question to test students’ motivation to take up the work experience offer.
- Those shortlisted will be invited to carry out work experience. This will either run in the Glasgow Deloitte Office or digitally, depending on the evolving situation.
- If we are able to run the programme in Deloitte’s Glasgow office, travel expenses will be pre-paid up to a value of up to £50 per day and lunch will be provided.
Here are a few links provided by 'Routes for All'
Level 1 – Careers, Courses and Qualifications
Level 2 – Exam Booster Zone
Level 3 – The College Experience
STEM bulletin. Please follow link: