If you would like more information about Rights Respecting Schools please follow the links below:
Rights Respecting Schools Award: https://www.unicef.org.uk/rights-respecting-schools/resources/teaching-resources/?sisearchengine=284&siproduct=Campaign_%2A%2ARRSA-Rights-Exact
The Rights of the Child: https://www.unicef.org.uk/child-rights-partners/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2016/08/CRC_summary_leaflet_Child_Rights_Partners_web_final.pdf
Child friendly Rights Poster: https://www.unicef.org/rightsite/files/uncrcchilldfriendlylanguage.pdf
Please follow us on Twitter @SmithycroftR or contact Mr. Brown if you have any questions, or if you wish to get more involved.
Many thanks from The Rights Respecting Schools staff working group.
Mr. Brown, Mrs. Dunn, Ms. Fairbairn, Mr. Gardner, Mrs. Hughes, Mrs. Long, Mrs. Matheson, Ms. McAngus and Ms. McGugan.
Smithycroft Secondary School 282 Smithycroft Road Glasgow G33 2QU Phone: 0141 582 0220 Fax: 0141 582 0221