Smithycroft Secondary School

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Winter Weather Precautions
Dear Parent/Carer
Over the coming period there is an increasing likelihood of forecast ‘inclement’ weather, particularly heavy snow. As a result of this, and for the health and safety of our young people, sometimes the school has to close. The decision to do this is mainly taken first thing in the morning to allow parents time to make alternative arrangements. This information is often conveyed on local radio stations such as Radio Clyde, Real Radio and Radio Scotland, sometimes on the television morning news but there are also more timely updates on the Glasgow City Council’s twitter service. This can be accessed at -
There is also Glasgow’s website address at –
We will try to ensure that our own school website is kept as up to date as possible. It will also carry information regarding any changes to our prelim diet which may become necessary. It can be accessed at –
Parents and carers can contact the school but sometimes it can be difficult to get through due to volume of calls and any difficulties we may be experiencing regarding staff getting to work on poor weather days.
There can also be occasions when the school is closed during the course of the day. We will ensure that parents are given warning of this through our text messaging service. Therefore, can I ask that parents ensure your child has passed on your mobile contact number to the school office in order that you receive our text alerts. In this case there would be a delay between the text message and the closure of the school to allow for any arrangements to be made.
Can I also ask that over the coming period your child is coming to school appropriately dressed in relation to their footwear and wearing warm jackets or layers which can be removed in the building.
Finally, I hope that we do not need to resort to any of these measures but please be assured that your child’s health and safety takes first priority and decisions are made in their interest.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Jean Miller