The school medical service no longer carries out routine examinations of secondary pupils, although they may give advice on request. Certain pupils with chronic conditions may, however, be called for examinations on a regular basis.
Vaccinations are still given: Tetanus/Poliomyelitis to all 14 year olds. HPV to all 13 year old girls. Parents may, if they wish, attend medical examinations and inoculations.
We do not have qualified medical staff on duty in the school. Accidents are, however, bound to happen and pupils can become ill. It is very important that:
• we have a note of an emergency contact number for a parent or a responsible adult relative
• pupils who feel unwell when they get up in the morning are not sent to school
If a child needs to go home, we will arrange with the emergency contact, depending on his/her age and condition, how this might best be done.
In a crisis we will take whatever steps seem appropriate and sensible to help the child.
On a child’s enrolment, information about any medical conditions which may affect his/her performance in school or general well-being, will be sought.
If the condition requires medication, it may be appropriate to have a supply in school for use if it is required.
It is important to give details of any serious allergies, particularly those brought
on by the administration of medicines, eg antibiotics.
Various aspects of health education are dealt with in social education, science, home economics and PE. The “Drugwise” programme looks at aspects of drugs and seeks to develop skills of rejection and dissuasion. Personal and Social education deals with issues relating to sexual behaviour and sexuality. We seek to involve parents in discussions relating to the delivery and content of these parts
of the course. |